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February 22,2022

The most prosperous entrepreneurial project in the investment market today is the laundry shop. Due to low investment costs and high profitability of dry cleaning shops, opening a dry cleaning shop has become the most popular venture project for investors. Since the laundry industry is closely related to people’s daily lives, the prospect of opening a laundry shop near the university is also very promising.

1. Huge customer base

Compared with the residential community, opening a laundry shop in the school has a larger customer base. Because the school has tens of thousands of students, and the students live in a closed campus for boarding, it provides for the popularity of dry cleaners. Established a good foundation for development. Because students are based in dormitories and classes, their consumption often has a certain awareness of crowds. Generally, one person in the dormitory can drive the entire dormitory or class to consume when washing clothes. Therefore, opening a laundry shop in the school has A larger customer base.

2.Stable market demand

Many college students now choose to do laundry nearby. Therefore, the market demand for opening laundry shops in schools is even stronger.

What is the prospect of opening a laundry shop in school? Due to the large customer base and stable demand, the prospect of opening a laundry shop in the school is very clear.

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